Friday, 5 September 2008

You gotta be joking!

Either mary kate and ashley are playing with the world or they are screwed up! Simple basics for crazy prices, its even worse that lauren conrads overpriced line

Cotton Peter Shirt $490!

"Saddle-shoulder" Tee, cotton/cashmere blend, $450

Modal Tee $275 - modal = rayon!!!

Cotton Pants $700

Now maybe these prices are more fitting for gucci or chanel, not some celebrity line.


Luc said...

I think that is pretty crazy actually.

I love lauren conrads collection (althugh i do agree it is overpriced) I love american apparel and urban outfitters though cause they have cheap basics that I have seen on celebs.

Could we be affiliates/linked. If you'd like please reply to my blog

Luc said...

yep i do, so it's not always easy to access all the coolest shops, unless you order online. lol ok I am just about to add you to the links thing. thankyou for wanting to be linked :P

Anonymous social worker said...

that's ridiculous. god, I can get nice looking kitty for that money.

ps: the long necks maniquins are creppy :p

Rebecca Jane said...

Is this the Row or Elizabeth and James? Either way, a bit too pricey for what they are, I think.

starbrained said...

Those prices are ridiculous!!